
February 1, 2011

Flinders Island Car Rental


1998 Toyota Corolla Sedan Auto

1998 Toyota Corolla Sedan Auto sitting at the Whitemark Jetty, Flinders island

Corolla for hire on Flinders Island  


Flinders Island Car Rentals expanded their hire car business and purchased Bowman Lees Car and Mini Bus Hire in 2006 and with the hire car business came the red 1998 Toyota Corolla sedan previously owned by a local lady it was in very good condition and it had travelled just under 70,000 kms. This was the car that began Flinders Island Car Rentals love for Toyota Corollas as hire cars, we now have five to the fleet and will be purchasing two more in the coming years. We incorporated the new addition into the car rental fleet and named it Corolla red auto or CRA for short as it was our only red hire car. 

The hire car has been used equally for Business customers and Tourists to Flinders Island over the years, with it’s rear folding seats it can accommodate any combination or fishing rods, luggage, artists easel or picnic hamper. For a small car it has a very spacious interior which makes it ideal for taller individuals or a family with children still requiring car seats (link to services page). It longest hire was 17 days one January to a young couple with two small children who needed car seats. They visited the beach nearly every day and where quite surprised by both the boot space and fuel economy. 

As a hire car it has also been road tested by the curious motorist who decided it could drive the sandy track to Whitemark. It is a reliable robust car but a 4WD it isn’t and after a short way they were bogged, then half an hour later and an embarrassing phone call they the car was unbogged and they were on the road again this time a little more cautious. 

At Flinders Island Car Rentals we recommend only driving on the sealed bitumen and formed 2 lane gravel roads, these are all public roads well maintained by Flinders Council and are suitable for all vehicles. With 450kms of roads to explore that give you access to all the beaches and tourist attractions a four wheel drive is not required. For people wishing to explore the crown land tracks and fire trials we recommend doing so by foot or better still book yourself a guided Four Wheel Tour with Flinders Island Adventures and let them take along the rough sandy tracks in comfort. 

After such a long and travelled life on Flinders Island as a rental car the time has come for the Corolla red auto to retire and after Easter Flinders Island Car Rentals will hopefully be selling it on to a Local Islander to drive out the rest of its days on Flinders Island as a regular runabout. 

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